Sunday, October 7, 2012

First haircut

I had cut her bangs a few times but her hair was getting too long and nappy she had enough hair that I thought a little bob would be so cute on her. 

This pictures doesn't even show how much we really cut off. We probably cute like 3 inches

Big Bear

 Everytime we went to Costco Emery would ask for this bear so I would put it in the cart and let her play and snuggle with it while we shopped. Then when we checked out we put it back and say bye and she was fine with it. Then one time she wasn't. She started screaming and crying and was so sad, she I gave in. Normally I HATE stuffed animals, especially this big. But it has seriously been the best toy I have purchased for her up to this point in her life! She sleeps with (every nap and night) and as soon as she wakes up she wants it downstairs with her so she can jump, snuggle, give hugs, and play with him. After we bought it on the way home she was so mad that it wouldn't fit on her lap in her car seat she cried the whole way home. Haha, she LOVES her bear!

Here comes baby boy! No name yet...

20 weeks

24 weeks

30 weeks

About 34 weeks

My Baby shower. My good friend Lindsay, and my sister in law Josie and Kortni, threw me an adorable shower.  I think I was about 34 weeks at my shower

Baby boy room! This used to be Emery's room. So I had to re-do and move her room, which I did chevron stripes in her room and then I had to re-paint his room. So it was a very long project. Tyson never helps me these types of projects (or any really) so it took me a few months to do everything. I got the crib on KSL and the dresser from a friend and I re-painted that too.

Emery LOVES going into his room and playing with her baby dolls. She takes off her changing pad, grabs a diaper and says "bum" and wants to take her dolls clothes off and change his bum! She puts her dolls in the swing and the crib and does "rocka rocka" in the rocking chair. She is going to such a cute big sister and very curious I am sure! That is probably the thing I am most excited about, is seeing Emery interact with her brother and having a sibling. They will only be about 21 months apart so they will be best buds!

Emery 1 year- 18 months

These are in no particular order, but in an effort to catch up on my blog, I am just posting random pictures from pretty much the last year. Gosh I can't believe how long it has been since I have blogged and looking at these pictures how much Emery has changed in the last 8 months.
 She didn't mind the Easter bunny until all the other kids started crying when they sat in it's lap and so she figured it was something to be scared of. This makes for better pictures anyways..haha

 Her little piggy tails. She definitely got her fathers genes when it comes to hair. Her hair is so thick and grows so fast. I am Jealous, she actually just got her first haircut into a little bob last week. Maybe if I get through this post i'll post some of that

 She loves her sidewalk chalk and draws the prettiest pictures :)
 Ross Park June 2012
 Just like her Momma, she loves sugar and cotton candy. She asks for a "teat" about 100x a day!

This was the saddest picture. Emery was really sick for about 10 days early this summer. She was just under 18 months. I didn't realize how sick she really was until she was on the upswing. She was SO dehydrated and lethargic she slept about every hour for several hours. Even talking about those 2 weeks brings tears to my eyes thinking about how sad and sickly she was. Looking back I realize now I should have taken her to the hospital but at the time I didn't realize how sick she really was. She threw up straight for about 10 days. So glad she made it through and hopefully never have to go through that again. I love my little girl!

Monday, April 2, 2012

I almost forgot

I have told lots of people and announced it on facebook but in case there are a few out there that only read the blog, I'm Pregnant! Due in October. I seriously actually forgot to post about it. Its so different with your second. Having a baby/toddler already you just don't get to focus on being pregnant and seriously if I wasn't so tired all the time I probablt would forget I was at all

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Food Addiction

Is FOOD your addiction?

This is Stephanie: She lost 135 lbs in 9 months (She is 5' 9") - the last time she was at this weight, she was 11!  She is off of blood thinners for DVT and just feeling absolutely fabulous! (LEFT) at 280 lbs (and completely addicted to food) and (RIGHT) at 180 lbs (fit and fab and feeling great)!

In today’s society, there is much debate about the right way to get healthy, lose weight, exercise and stay fit. I think we would ALL agree that it’s important to get healthy and stay healthy. In my experience, it’s usually the people that have had very little personal experience with “weight” problems saying, “JUST EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE, THAT’S ALL YOU NEED”!    Well Duh!    That’s a no-brainer! It doesn’t take a degree or a bunch of fancy initials after your name to know that. So….. If it’s just that easy, then why is America getting more and more unhealthy as time goes on? If it’s that easy, why isn’t everyone doing it and having great success? Why can’t people control what they eat? Why do some people yo-yo diet their entire life? Why do people eat unhealthily and then spend HOURS exercising just to keep it off? Why do people sleep eat, binge eat, or not eat? I believe in this case there are many more questions than answers.

Let me throw something out that might surprise you…….. THEY MIGHT BE ADDICTED TO FOOD!

From our mother’s breast forward, eating fulfills a need and brings satisfaction, nurturing and comfort. As we age, we have the opportunity to explore the pleasures our palate can provide, this enhances the pleasure and mood-altering ability of eating, but that doesn't mean we can’t get this process all fouled up.
The problem occurs when we move from self-nurturing…… to self-indulgence…… to compulsion. When eating becomes compulsive, we really begin to have problems. At this point when difficult feelings present themselves, our urge to eat is stronger than our will to say NO. Even if we have decided to "do better," our decision process is now compromised. We will eat, not because we are hungry or NEED to, but simply because we feel compelled to.
It is a battle we will not win without making some changes. The emotional bond between difficult feelings and food overpowers us and must be extinguished if we want freedom from the compulsion. Since the bond was created over time and has possibly been practiced for many years, it's not a simple process.
The long-term solution is learning to make good food decisions and re-conditioning, but that doesn’t happen instantly and usually can't be accomplished without changes and some help, gotta love health coaches.
Reversing the equation is the goal. We look for things that will raise our will and lower our urge so that we can write the equation as this: The will to say NO is greater than our urge to eat.
Need Rehab for your food Addiction? Visit

Friday, February 17, 2012

I Will Never...A new series

I am starting a new series...Since on my journey of becoming more healthy and losing weight, I am learning to change habits and make small changes to keep me going and keep my weight off and create healthy habits for my family. So each month, or maybe just whenever I find something that I can live without I am going to share!

This month: I will never eat a hamburger with a bun again! Eating a hamburger wrapped in lettuce taste JUST as good and you dont consume all the extra useless calories!

p.s. i'm working on no cheese (baby steps)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Here is a little progression of Emery learning to walk. She started taking a few steps about a week before Christmas. So about 11 months old. She turns 1 on Tuesday and she walks everywhere and can stand up in the middle of the room. She cant quite run yet but she sure tries. I dont have a recent on of her walking. I will try and get one today and post it

Emery's 1st Birthday!

The last year has been the hardest but most rewarding year of my life. I cant believe my baby is 1! She already seems so grown up and learns something new everyday. She is so smart, and happy, and FUN. I love being her Mommy and she brings so much joy to our family.

She did pretty good with her cake. She went slow but dug in pretty good to her cake.  I had to put a little in her mouth and then she realized she like it. She just sat there and stuck her hands in it and let us take picture after picture. She didn't try to get up and walk away which surprised me.  Of course it did end how I expected, haha.

Emery Lately

Emery is getting so big and growing up TOO fast! She is such a happy baby and loves other kids and people. She will just go up to a complete stranger and want them to pick her up or sit in their lap.  She gets into everything and loves pulling out all the towels in the towel drawer and utensil drawer. I seriously need to baby proof my kitchen. I have rubberbands around all the cabinets and I think its time to invest is some real baby proofing products.  She has 7 teeth now. 4 on top, 3 on bottom. She is not a great eater. She usually will only take a couple bites of food and only if I am eating. But she does love her baba. She is learning how to wave goodbye and say hello on the phone. 

 She can go up and down the stairs all by herself, she also LOVES to go through purses. And not just mine.
 Her best bud Tate. They get so excited when they see each other. The other week in church they saw each other from across the gym in the overflow and practically ran to each other and met in the middle
 She will usually give kisses, but beware they are open mouth and slobbery

 This is one of her favorite places to play. The drawer with all the towels. I probably clean up the towels 10 times a day!

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