This weekend was our 1 year annivesary. I know everyone says it goes so fast, but i felt like it was just perfect. Not too fast but not too slow. We made alot of memories together over the last year. I love remembering the songs and smells of when we first moved into our apartment and unpacking our stuff and starting our lives together. We have done alot of fun things together over the last year...we went on a cruise for our honeymoon to the caribbean, we went to Hawaii, Oregon, Idaho, and many trips to Wyoming, and this weekend we went to Moab. I had always wanted to go but I had no idea it would be so cool! I was seriously in aw of the huge rocks and arches and it really just made me feel a sense of how we are just one small part in this great big earth. The weather was about 65 which felt amazing after being cooped up all winter. It was so fun to get away and spend time together and it makes me so anxious for SUMMER. I am so grateful for Tyson and all the things we have been blessed with and experienced over the last year and I look forward to forever with him! Love you babe
Congrats on 1 yr!! Whoever told you the first yr goes by fast forgot to mention that they all go that fast. Really they do. We've been married almost 6 & it feels like someone pressed the fast forward button. Cool photos. I've always wanted to go there as well, now with Nessa I don't know when that will happen.
Happy 1st anniversary! That looks way cool there. We got your comment, the kids were way lucky! Go check out our friends the Burrups blog, those are some lucky kids. you can get to it from our blog. take care
Congrats on 1 yr!! Whoever told you the first yr goes by fast forgot to mention that they all go that fast. Really they do. We've been married almost 6 & it feels like someone pressed the fast forward button. Cool photos. I've always wanted to go there as well, now with Nessa I don't know when that will happen.
congrats you guys. u.dean and his fam went capmong there too.
Happy 1st anniversary! That looks way cool there. We got your comment, the kids were way lucky! Go check out our friends the Burrups blog, those are some lucky kids. you can get to it from our blog. take care
Congratulations you two! The pictures are really cool. Happy
1st anniversary! Love, Grandma Brown
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