I have wanted this picture of the Portland temple since I first saw it over a year ago at Deseret Book. So last year I was supposed to get it for Christmas as a gift from my parents. My parents didnt know exactly which one it was or where to find it so they just wrapped up a little card in a box that said that was my gift and when I got back to Utah i could go and pick it out. So when I got back to Utah afte Christmas break i went to Deseret Book and I guess i had never looked at the price tag before but it was $300!! I called my mom and told her and she had no idea it was that expensive either and told me that is more than they wanted to spend. So my mom said they would get it for me for Christmas and my Birthday which was in June. So I was waiting for June to get the picture so that when my birthday came i wouldnt be disapointed and felt like i had already spoiled my present and i would have something to look forward to. Well during the few weeks before conference the picture went on sale (20% off) which wasnt an amazing deal, but it was better than $300. Well it was the night before conference and the sale was going to end so I went to Deseret Book and it was packed for "girls night out" so I thought i would just go home and order it online, but when i got online the Portland Temple was available. So i googled the artists name and not only did I find my picture, but it was the SAME exact picture Deseret Book was selling for $300 and mine was only $179 (and that was the regular price) plus i got free shipping! Below is a picture of the final product! Sorry that turned out to be quite a long story.
I was so excited when my picture actually came and I got to redecorate my living room. Since the picture didnt take up as much space on the wall as the picture I had there before I had to get some accessories to spruce up the wall a little bit, and then of course some pillow and other things to tie it all in. I love walking into my house now cause it feels like a whole new place!
It looks GREAT! I can't wait to see it in person. I may have to save some pennies for one of those
It looks great! Can't wait to see it in person. I think I may have to save my pennies for one of those
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