I just felt like i needed to publicly announce one of my biggest pet peeves. Here is how the story goes: I was talking on the phone with my Realtor (whom I hate with every fiber of my being) and I was telling him how I was frustrated with him because I felt he wasnt doing everything he could to get this short sale approved...thats a whole another story....and I was telling him that I am just the kind of person that when i want something, I get it, when I dont get my way, I fight and do all that I can until I get it, i dont wait until they call me, I call them until I get what I want, and I expect the same from my realtor. Its hard for me to be on the side where I have no control over the situation and I take my frustration out on the people who do have control who arent doing the best they can. Call me a beast, but that just may be what I am. Okay onto the story...So in explaining this to him he says
Realtor: "I dont know when your birthday is, but I bet you are a Scorpio or Sagittarius"
Me: "Nope, I am a Cancer, Not even close"
PET PEEVE : I HATE when people use signs for explaining peoples personalities or using astrological sign as an excuse for their mistakes. Your sign does NOT explain why you are the way your are, NOR should it be used to explain why people do dumb things. Because that only makes you look more stupid. Believe it or not, people are the way they are based on their own decisions and character, not the day you were born or however the stars align. HATE TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE.
Other pet peeves for your reading pleasure:
When the toilet paper runs out and the cardboard tube is left on the holder, and new roll placed on top of the old one... so lazy!
Bicyclist who ride in the street....MOVE
Bad Breath
Flat tires....in the shoe/heel aspect
Animals treated like humans
People who never stop talking
Bad/ Slow drivers
Thanks for listening
2 years ago