Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Got my ultrasound today at the Doctors and baby girl is perfectly healthy! I am measuring only a couple days small but nothing to be alarmed of. She is still growing and is doing great!. As for me, I was secretly hoping he would take me early just so I could be done, but its better that she is healthy! So now we just play the waiting game. I was dialated to a 1 and 70% efaced so he thinks I wont make it to my due date and she might just come a little early on her own. I gained freaking 5 POUNDS from last week, I am retaining alot of water and my feet and legs are huge and swollen, its disgusting. I dont even have ankles anymore. I am sleeping a little better at night, but as for everything else it just gets worse everyday. I feel like I can hardly walk these days because she is sitting so low and I am beyond emotional. Okay so enough whining, I'll post about Christmas and my baby shower in Idaho soon.

1 comment:

Janelle Pack said...

booya! i cant believe how soon she's coming! You're gonna be a great mom

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